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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Megaman X6 System : Playstation Date Added : 2006-01-01 13:10:28 Views : 25457 X's Ultimate Armor At the main menu, press Left(3), Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Dark Revived Hunter At the main menu, press L1(3), R2. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Start a new game and find Revived Hunter. He will be in Dark form. Blue portals At some areas, you will see a blue warp portal. Go inside to unlock many things in game. The first time is where you meet Nightmare Zero; it unlocks Zero as a player. The second time is where you meet High Max again; it auto unlocks the Gate stage. The third and many times afterwards is where. Ultimate Armor X Press START at the frist title screen, then press LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT at the Game Start/Continue/Option menu. You'll begain the game with X's Ultimate Armor, which is very much identical to the same Armor from Mega Man X 5. It allows X to fire a super charged shot, hover in place and perform the Mega Crush attack at will. X in this form is very powerful, so if you want a challenging game, it's best not to use this code and play through the game the frist time with the normal version of X. (send by:Ken) Easy attack with Zero Press Attack + Dash continuously with Zero. Play as Zero Find Zero with the teleporters and fight him. He will join you after he is defeated. Defeating High Max After getting Zero, go through the teleporters and find High Max with Zero. Make sure to have both Sub-tanks full before facing him. Use the Sharks weapon with Zero. Take your time facing him -- it takes awhile to figure out his attacks and how to get close to him. Nightmare Zero Press START at the frist title screen, then press L1, L1, L1, R2 at the Game Start/Continue/Option menu. When you rescue Zero after defeating him in battle, you'll play as the Nightmare Zero instead of the normal version. Nigtmare Zero has all ofZero's normal moves, but he is much more powerful. (send by:Ken) Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Megaman X6 cheat codes.
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